Finance Services you can actually trust
Pacific Commercial Capital arranges financing solutions throughout the entire capital stack from debt to sponsor equity. Our expertise in all asset classes and experience working with all risk profiles allows PCC to navigate the capital markets with ease. By identifying our client’s needs and taking a hands on approach with every transaction, our team of advisors ensures certainty of execution in achieving the most favorable terms on the market
Pacific Commercial Capital executives have extensive expertise in arranging and advising on the following types of debt.
- Acquisition financing
- Permanent financing
- Bridge financing
- Construction financing
- Debt recapitalization
- Note Financing
Pacific Commercial Capital clients benefit from our extensive and long–standing relationships with key real estate capital providers to secure the most flexible loan terms and rates. Our network of lenders includes, but is not limited to:
- Local and national banks
- Credit unions
- Insurance companies
- CMBS lenders
- Debt funds
- Family offices
- Agencies
- Private lenders
- Private equity / hedge funds
Our debt market expertise and diverse capital network enables Pacific Commercial Capital to provide a detailed and customized approach to identifying suitable capital solutions tailored to our client’s success
Pacific Commercial Capital’s expert knowledge of the capital markets and experience with complex equity capital projects allows us to meet the specific needs of each equity structure and partner.
We consistently analyze and identify property and market specific capital solutions for any real estate acquisition, development, or recapitalization
We maintain strong and valued relationships with a variety of equity providers including, but
not limited to:
- Institutional investors
- Hedge funds
- Pension funds
- Insurance companies
- Family offices
- High-net-worth individuals
- Investment banks
- Private equity funds
- Sovereign wealth funds
Pacific Commercial Capital has experCse in crajing innovative financial structures beyond the scheme of traditional debt and equity financing. Our experience and capital markets knowledge have enabled us to develop an in-depth understanding of all options in the capital stack. By taking a creative and value add approach, Pacific Commercial Capital is able to achieve higher
leverage and blend senior and subordinate financing to create the most efficient capital structures for our clients. Our team has capabilities to provide the following structured finance solutions:
- Mezzanine
- Preferred Equity
- Note on Note
- A & B Notes
- Ground Lease
Pacific Commercial Capital consistently executes for investors and institutions looking to maximize the value of their real estate by providing strategic advisory and marketing services. Our in–depth market knowledge, financial consulting, and extensive investor database allow us to develop optimal pricing and marketing strategies to meet the specifics of each property and client that we represent.
Additionally, we take a proactive approach to providing and advising our clients of passive income opportunities whether on or off–market. We pride ourselves in our ability to coordinate an entire transaction from finding the investment opportunity to underwriting to raising the
entire capital stack from debt to sponsor equity.
Debt Placement
Pacific Commercial Capital execu4ves have extensive exper4se in arranging and advising on the following types of debt.
- Acquisition financing
- Permanent financing
- Bridge financing
- Construction financing
- Debt recapitalization
- Note Financing
Pacific Commercial Capital clients benefit from our extensive and long-standing relationships with key real estate capital providers to secure the most flexible loan terms and rates. Our network of lenders includes, but is not limited to:
- Local and national banks
- Credit unions
- Insurance companies
- CMBS lenders
- Debt funds
- Family offices
- Agencies
- Private lenders
- Private equity / hedge funds
Our debt market exper4se and diverse capital network enables Pacific Commercial Capital to provide a detailed and customized approach to iden4fying suitable capital solu4ons tailored to our client’s success.
Debt Placement
- Acquisition financing
- Permanent financing
- Bridge financing
- Construction financing
- Debt recapitalization
- Note Financing
- Local and national banks
- Credit unions
- Insurance companies
- CMBS lenders
- Debt funds
- Family offices
- Agencies
- Private lenders
- Private equity / hedge funds
Our debt market exper4se and diverse capital network enables Pacific Commercial Capital to provide a detailed and customized approach to iden4fying suitable capital solu4ons tailored to our client’s success.
- Acquisition Financing
- Permanent Financing
- Construction Financing
- Bridge Financing
- Debt Recapitalization
- Note Financing
Our collaborative partnerships encompass local and national banks, credit unions, insurance companies, debt funds, CMBS lenders, credit companies, private lenders, agency lenders, and REIT’s.
Equity Placement
Pacific Commercial Capital’s expert knowledge of the capital markets and experience with complex equity capital projects allows us to meet the specific needs of each equity structure and partner.
We consistently analyze and iden4fy property and market specific capital solu4ons for any real estate acquisi4on, development, or recapitaliza4on.
We maintain strong and valued rela4onships with a variety of equity providers including, but not limited to:
- Institutional investors
- Hedge funds
- Pension funds
- Insurance companies
- Family offices
- High-net-worth individuals
- Investment banks
- Private equity funds
- Sovereign wealth funds
PCC’s extensive and profound relationships within the equity investment realm encompass both domestic and international investors, institutional as well as high net worth individuals, family offices, opportunity funds, sovereign wealth funds, pension fund advisors, and endowments.
Our expertise in servicing equity financing encompasses the following areas:
- LP Equity
- GP Equity
- Co-GP
- Credit Enhancement
- Joint Venture Financing
- Equity Capitalization & Recapitalization
- Individual Asset Financing
- Preferred Equity
- Portfolio Financing
Structured Finance
- Mezzanine
- Preferred Equity
- Note on Note
- A & B Notes
- Ground Lease
- Mezzanine
- Preferred Equity
- Note on Note
- A & B Notes
- Ground Lease
Investment Advisory
Addi4onally, we take a proac4ve approach to providing and advising our clients of passive income opportuni4es whether on or off-market. We pride ourselves in our ability to coordinate an en4re transac4on from finding the investment opportunity to underwri4ng to raising the en4re capital stack from debt to sponsor equity.
Elevate your living experience: indulge in our premium residential complex amenities
Piter Bowman
Business CEO