
Whoe We Are

About Us

We are a small, family based real estate firm, whose goal is to re-invent the real estate space, our aim is to provide affordable yet stylish residential and commercial rental properties as well as partner with lenders and private individuals on renovation projects as well as provide realtor services through our partnership with English Realty Brokerage firm.

600 Lehigh Rd Newwark, DE, 19711


Total sqft areas


Car parkings


Luxury apartments


Deluxe bedrooms


Whoe We Are

About Us

We are a small, family based real estate firm, whose goal is to re-invent the real estate space, our aim is to provide affordable yet stylish residential and commercial rental properties as well as partner with lenders and private individuals on renovation projects as well as provide realtor services through our partnership with English Realty Brokerage firm.


Our service


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Are you a private lender?, a friendly community bank? Come partner with us and help create value, in return you will earn a decent Return On Investment (ROI) and a trustworthy partner you can practically build with.


Partnerships are the bedrock of our business, let’s build on this foundation, as we support realtors, investors, Lenders and all industry players. Let’s frame our dreams as we strengthen our resolve to keep growing and building together.

Rental Properties

Our goal is to practically make you feel at home!! Come check out or beautifully remodeled properties and our dedicated staff and family will help you fit right in.


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Rental Properties

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The building tour

Checkout our building detailed video tour

New concept of tour apartment

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Value of smart living in complex

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